End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture.

Among the major challenges proposed by the 2030 agenda, there is in particular objective 2 on which COPE plans for years, sustainable development interventions in the various countries where it is present, among which Tanzania stands out. In the most recent agricultural sector projects implemented in this African country, young farmers play a key role. More specifically, in the Ruvuma Region, in southern Tanzania, there are 2 projects that aim at food sovereignty and sustainable development that generates wealth and a more equitable distribution of food resources:

1)"Young people are tomorrow": youth entrepreneurship and food sovereignty for young Tanzanians,where among the activities planned for the part of the project regarding COPE there are:

    • Training and awareness-raising activities in 12 villages in the Namtumbo district on various topics including: Agriculture and business organic, Entrepreneurship and animal husbandry, horticulture and breeding;
    • Training and support for the establishment of agricultural consortia to improve the conditions of sale of food products and creation of a network of stakeholders;
    • General objective is the improvement of living conditions of the Tanzanian population, through training actions aimed at young people, for greater recognition of the dignity and rights of every human being, a better distribution of wealth, allowing everyone access to basic goods.

2) In the second project intervention in Tanzania, called "Asante-Agriculture and food security in the Namtumbo district",  aims to strengthen training in animal husbandry and the animal husbandry and prophylaxis service for local breeders, through the opening of a veterinary analysis laboratory with adjacent stable. The primary objective of the project and of the CRAS Agricultural Training Center is to improve the economic opportunities of the local population by promoting employment of young people in the district in the agro-livestock sector, and thus reduce the tendency of progressive abandonment of rural areas, especially by the younger age groups.

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