The non-governmental organization (O.N.G.) CO.P.E. - Cooperation Emerging Countries is a non-profit organization and international volunteer organization born in Catania in 1983, federated to the "FOCSIV - Volontari nel Mondo" (Federation of Christian Organisms of International Voluntary Service).

Since 1988 CO.P.E. is recognized as eligible by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out International Cooperation and Development Education activities (decree No. 1988/128/5110 / ID), as part of Italian law no. 49/1987 on Development Cooperation. The CO.P.E. therefore enjoys the status of non-governmental organization (NGO) and No Profit by right.

Drawing inspiration from Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood ", CO.P.E. firmly believes in the importance of stimulating, promoting and strengthening cooperation with the peoples of emerging countries by promoting the material, social, cultural and moral progress of the most disadvantaged individuals and groups and the relations between the North and the South of the World.

Our body, in compliance with the rules governing the Non-Governmental Organizations in the field of international cooperation, sets as targets of its work:

  • the study of the causes, of the phenomena of injustice and of the gap between the North and the South of the World and the elaboration of proposals for the solution to the situations of "mal-development" of the planet, based on justice and on economic, social and environmental sustainability;
  • the dissemination of information on the problems of development and the active participation in initiatives and actions of solidarity in the public opinion;
  • the organization and elaboration, together with the communities of the emerging countries, of programs of intervention and of technical and social cooperation in order to build concrete bonds of solidarity among peoples as well as the creation of opportunities for exchange and cultural exchange in a welcoming attitude and reciprocity;
  • training and sending groups of volunteers willing to put their professional and human resources at the service of these programs for a defined period, both in Italy and abroad;
  • the organization of solidarity interventions with peoples who find themselves in emergency situations, due to natural disasters or war events;
  • the promotion and implementation of development education initiatives aimed at spreading values and issues such as solidarity, globalization, intercultural relations, peace and respect for human rights, both through the training of students and through training and the updating of teachers, in schools of all levels. To this end, the Association takes care of the production and publication of the relative didactic material;
  • The production and printing of periodical and non-periodical publications for the dissemination of news relating to the Association and of the informative and educational material produced on its own or by third parties;
  • The procurement of financial and economic resources necessary for achieving the associative goals.

CO.P.E. in the South of the World

In full respect of local laws, culture and traditions and in close collaboration with local partners, the association promotes and organizes projects in the health, agricultural, educational and social fields to promote the self-development of local populations in emerging countries. . Currently, we are present in Africa (Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Tanzania) and Latin America (Peru).

CO.P.E. projects they are characterized by the following intervention philosophy:

  • The implementation of interventions that can have a direct impact on the conditions of life (health, nutrition, vocational training, social integration) of the communities in which it acts;
  • The training of local staff to guarantee an autonomous and sustainable management of interventions over time;
  • The use of appropriate technologies, such as to be easily managed by local technicians without triggering further mechanisms of dependence on foreign countries.

The interventions of CO.P.E. in the Southern hemisphere, were mainly financed by the following institutional actors:

-> European Commission, EuropeAid program,

-> Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Italy, MAE / Promossi procedures,

-> Italian Episcopal Conference, Charitable Interventions in favor of the Third World,

-> Presidency of the Sicily Region, procedures for projects promoted and entrusted,

-> Local authorities, provinces and municipalities.

Beyond those already indicated, CO.P.E. receives support for its projects and activities in Italy and abroad from private donors (individual or associated), voluntary associations, ecclesiastical groups, club services.

Find out how to contribute by consulting the Campaigns section of our site.

CO.P.E. in Italy

In our country, the CO.P.E. carries out fund raising, information, awareness and training activities in the field of Development Education (EaS) at national, regional and local level in collaboration with other local associations and Italian NGOs, promoting the logic of "networking" .

Our body carries out EAS meetings aimed at new generations in schools and during public events on issues such as active citizenship, climate change, international volunteering, human rights, interculturality and the integration of migrants.

To find out about our projects in Italy go to the Projects-Italy section.

CO.P.E. is one of the founding members of CONGASS, the Coordination of Sicilian NGOs and social solidarity associations, and the Assembly of the members of "Fà la cosa giusta Sicilia" (Do The Right Thing Sicily), the committee that promotes healthy lifestyles and critical consumption in the regional territory .


Da più di 35 anni ci impegniamo a cambiare il mondo al fianco delle popolazioni locali.
via Vittorio Emanuele 159 Catania

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